Attending an after-school guitar program can improve your child’s academic performance, develop social skills, and boost creative thinking. Rock Dojo guitar after school is an award-winning program designed to engage elementary school children with the challenges and rewards of learning to play guitar. So why is Rock Dojo after-school good, and why is learning guitar the best after-school activity?
Students learn complex skills:
- Spatial orientation: Every guitar player, from beginners to advanced, understands the challenges of orienting in a grid. Recognizing the notes in a grid setting and memorizing the name of the strings and the fret numbers is a skill Rock Dojo teaches from the first day.
- Coordination skills: Playing the guitar is quite the brain workout. The left-hand frets the notes while the right-hand pick the strings. Like swimming, smooth coordination is a significant challenge AND a great reward.
- Musical memory: “I know this song!” Recognizing a song is exhilarating. Remembering how to play music has the additional benefit of empowering children. Students learn the power of practice and repetition each week by playing exciting rock riffs and performing for friends and family.
- Pattern identification: Students learn how to structure music in patterns and repetition during 8-weeks of guitar after-school. They quickly understand the secret sauce behind the most memorable songs and are capable of applying principles to create their music. Rock Dojo after-school encourages students to find their unique voices and make music.
Subscribe to Receive Your FREE Introductory Guitar Course for Kids
Sign up for Rock Dojo’s newsletter to receive three free guitar lessons sent directly to your inbox. By the time your child finishes the Rock Dojo’s introductory guitar course for kids, he or she will learn how to read the guitar tab and play some fun guitar riffs. In addition, your child will learn how to play the mightiest guitar chord of all: power chords! It’s totally free, and you can cancel at any time. Sign up now!