The Guitar Sensei Wins MLB Grant
On March 31, Rock Dojo founder Brian Parham, also known as the “Guitar Sensei,” won a $3,000 Make | Learn | Build (MLB) Grant from the Regional Arts and Cultural Council (RACC.) Brian competed against 535 eligible artists and arts organizations for the award. The money will fund a free rock concert for kids on May 27, 2022, at USWC Taekwondo School Hollywood.
Let Me Hear Your Fingers Sign
On May 27, you can see Brian Parham perform his award-winning album, Let Me Hear Your Fingers Sing (At the Rock Dojo), with special guest Andrew Stromstad. The concert will be filmed at USWC Taekwondo School Hollywood by GMS Media and Advertised. You can listen to the entire album on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and Pandora.
Get Your FREE Tickets to Hear Brian Parham Now
There are only 50 spots available, so hurry up and claim your free concert ticket today! The show starts at 5:30 PM. Face masks are required. Please share this registration link with at least two friends. Get your tickets now.
FREE Introductory Guitar Course for Kids
Playing the guitar is fun and easy with Rock Dojo! Your child can get started playing the guitar at no cost with Rock Dojo’s free introductory guitar course for kids. When you sign up for Rock Dojo’s bi-weekly newsletter, you’ll receive a free introductory guitar course for kids via email. The free course includes a pdf download, video lessons, coupons, and a FAQ. Sign up today!