Now that back-to-school is in full swing and students—and their parents—have adjusted to the hustle and bustle of everyday school life, it’s time to start scheduling after-school activities.
With so many after-school activities to choose from, it’s no wonder parents feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices! That’s why I put together a list of three reasons to sign your child up for after-school group guitar lessons.
1. Playing Guitar Has Intrinsic Value:
Like reading, writing, or arithmetic, music in general and playing guitar in specific has its own intrinsic value.
2. Playing Guitar Makes Kids Smarter
Countless studies suggest playing guitar makes kids smarter by positively impacting their IQ, affecting their spatial-temporal reasoning, memory function, hand-eye coordination, observation skills, and more.
3. Playing Guitar Makes Kids More Successful
Learning to play a musical instrument has often been associated with success. Playing guitar can improve academic achievement, standardized test scores, high school graduation rates, and college attendance.
Sign Up for the Rock Dojo Afterschool Group Guitar Lessons Today!
If you’re interested in signing up your son or daughter for afterschool group guitar lessons, download the appropriate registration form (ACCESS Academy, Beverly Cleary, Laurelhurst School, or Irvington School) and mail it along with a check made payable to Rock Dojo to the address listed on the form.
If you live in Portland, OR, and your son or daughter’s school isn’t listed above, contact the Rock Dojo today to host afterschool group guitar lessons in your home at school!