A group of young students enthusiastically participating in an after-school guitar class at Rock Dojo.

After-School Guitar: A Musical New Year

A group of young students enthusiastically participating in an after-school guitar class at Rock Dojo.

Guitar: The Perfect After-School Activity

As parents plan for the New Year, finding enriching after-school activities is critical. Rock Dojo guitar lessons offer a unique blend of fun, education, and skill development.

Why Guitar is Great for After-School Learning

Guitar lessons enhance cognitive skills like memory, attention, and spatial-temporal skills. They foster social skills by teaching patience, teamwork, and effective communication. It’s an environment where kids can relax, engage, and grow.

Setting Musical Goals for the New Year

Specific goals could include mastering a particular song, learning a new chord each week, or performing in a group recital. Goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. An example of a great guitar goal could be learning to play the melody of “Jingle Bell Rock” and performing for family and friends during the holidays.

Consistent Practice: The Key to Progress

It’s important to emphasize daily practice, even for a short duration. Consistency builds muscle memory and reinforces learning, making practice a critical component of mastering the guitar.

A Joyful Journey in Music

After-school guitar lessons encourage exploration of various music genres, improvisation, and songwriting. This broadens musical knowledge and enhances creative thinking and personal expression.

Join Our After-School Guitar Classes

Every student who enrolls in the Rock Dojo after-school program receives complimentary access to our online courses and weekly handouts, so you never have to wonder what your child should practice between classes.

Enroll Today: Enhance Your Child’s Routine

By choosing Rock Dojo, you provide your child with a holistic developmental experience beyond just learning an instrument.

Rock Dojo Connects You, No Matter Your Location!

Don’t live in Portland? No problem! Rock Dojo’s The Complete Series brings premium guitar lessons to you, wherever you are. This all-encompassing $249 package offers an in-depth curriculum that includes fundamental guitar rhythms and beyond. Specially designed for ease of access and affordability, it’s an ideal solution for starting your child’s musical adventure from any location. Watch them develop into confident guitarists with Rock Dojo. Have questions or ready to start? Reach out on Facebook or Instagram.