5 Awesome Values Kids Acquire Learning to Play Guitar

Boy with Guitar and White Guitar Strap

I’m on a mission to change the world. Group guitar lessons are the tool I use to change it. Let me explain:

When I created the Rock Dojo a few years ago, I had two goals: First, I wanted to design a guitar program for kids that students would adore! No Yankee Doodle in this guitar program, thank you very much! I wanted the kids to rock! That meant teaching them about moveable power chords, the pentatonic scales, and how to trade ripping solos with their friends as a band!

And second, I wanted to use our after-school group guitar lessons as a vehicle to help students master the transferable life skills they’ll need to be successful on the guitar and in the rest of their lives, so they could—in turn—change the world!

On that account, here are five awesome values kids acquire during guitar lessons other than learning to play the guitar:

Buy Guitar for Kids: Rock Dojo The Complete Belt System Now


Learning to play and compose original music on the guitar is an act of faith and imagination. I encourage all of my students to believe in their natural creative abilities, and I provide them with simple tools to help them unlock their voice as artists and composers.


As we begin to tackle the enormous challenges facing society like climate change and inequality, we’ll need strong leaders with vision, passion, and the ability to inspire others. During our after-school group guitar lessons, kids learn how to communicate their ideas to classmates as they collaborate on group projects.


No single person can change the world alone. It takes a community of passionate individuals organizing around a common goal. During our after-school group guitar lessons, students learn to work together as a team as they overcome challenges, master new skills, and make music together.


Changing the world isn’t going to be easy. That’s why our after-school group guitar lessons are designed to help students acquire the grit they’ll need to change the world of tomorrow, today! According to Angela Duckworth, “grit is the distinct combination of passion, resilience, determination, and focus that allows a person to maintain the discipline and optimism to persevere in his/her goals even in the face of discomfort, rejection, and a lack of visible progress for years, or even decades.”


The people we admire the most are those with the skills and the audacity to express themselves! Our after-school school group guitar lessons are designed to help students express themselves using the guitar in a fun and safe environment. 

Join Me in My Mission to Change the World

If you’re a parent, you can join me in my mission to change the world by signing up your son or daughter for the Rock Dojo after-school group guitar lessons. We currently offer after-school group guitar lessons at ACCESS Academy, Beverly Cleary, Forest Park, Laurelhurst, and Irvington School in Portland, OR. In addition, you can host a group guitar lesson in your home or community center!

If you’re a guitar teacher, you can launch a Rock Dojo after-school group guitar lesson in your community by connecting with me through our Contact Page or through the Rock Dojo Facebook Page.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Parham is the founder of the Rock Dojo in Portland, Oregon, where he teaches hundreds of kids between the ages of 6 and 12 years-old to play, perform, and compose their own original music on the guitar in after-school group guitar lessons. He’s also the author of three guitar method books including Guitar for Kids: Rock Dojo The Complete Belt System.