Celebrating an Awesome Quarter of Group Guitar Lessons!


The Rock Dojo is celebrating an awesome quarter of after-school group guitar lessons at ACCESS Academy, Beverly Cleary, Laurelhurst, and Irvington Schools.

Group Guitar Lesson Highlights this Quarter

This quarter, my students brought their A-game to the Rock Dojo after-school group guitar lessons. In particular:

Buy Guitar for Kids: Rock Dojo The Complete Belt System Now

Lessons Learned & Insights Gained 

Too many guitar instructors spend too much time focusing on the technical aspects of playing guitar. While technical abilities are certainly important, kids want guitar lessons that are fun, they want simple tools to unlock their creativity, and they want to rock on the guitar with their friends in after-school group guitar lessons!

In other words, guitar instructors who can deliver fun guitar lessons, teach their students how to compose original music in simple terms, and do it in a way that builds community will continue to enjoy success as the industry changes!

Sign Up for the Rock Dojo Group Guitar Lessons 

Sign up for after-school group guitar lessons at Rock Dojo Fall Q2 2017 – ACCESS or Beverly Cleary. Classes start on November 14 and 15th! 

Launch Your Own Rock Dojo Group Guitar Lessons

If you’re interested in launching your own Rock Dojo after-school group guitar lessons, visit our Contact Page or message us on Facebook. The Rock Dojo is designed to help teachers reach more students, maximize your impact, and earn more money through teaching group guitar classes!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Parham is the founder of the Rock Dojo in Portland, Oregon, where he teaches hundreds of kids between the ages of 6 and 12 years-old to play, perform, and compose their own original music on the guitar in after-school group guitar lessons. He’s also the author of three guitar method books including Guitar for Kids: Rock Dojo The Complete Belt System.